Free Vintage Hot Air Balloon Thank You Printables in 3 Patterns! {oh, and that time I fell down the stairs!}

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Whew!  So glad to be back…

If you didn’t already know from my post on Instagram, about a week and a half ago, I took a most ridiculous spill {head-first, no less}  down these gorgeous stairs.


I was up in the middle of the night checking on a sick boy with absolutely no plans to Cirque de Soleil down the stairs, but whilst waiting outside his room {at the top of the stairs} for him to take his medicine,  I got light headed.

I bent down to try to clear my head… because you know how you are supposed to bend over and put your head between your knees when you get dizzy and it’s supposed to help?

Well… it didn’t and my world went silently still and black as the freaking night.

After what felt like ages, I started to wake up.  Hearing three somewhat distant and muffled BANG, BANG, BANGS, I thought..

Huh,  that’s me falling down the stairs.

I opened my eyes and was sitting almost cross-legged, feet-first at the bottom of the stairs.  Morgan was standing over me {totally freaked out, btw} asking me if I was alright.

And I could immediately tell that I was, thank the heavenly host of angel choirs.

Honestly, I feel very, very fortunate to not be pushing up daisies, yo.

So, I am Ok, but I feel a teensy bit like a chocolate-banana milkshake that’s been spun two and a half minutes too long. The bruises are receding to a nice pukey yellow-green, but my head is still a bit swimmy.

It’s getting better everyday, though, and I hope to be back to my over-acheiever, witty self very, very soon.  {Ok, so maybe I’m not an “over” achevier… but I do like to be able to get some stuff done, yo!}

On the plus side, I did get our money’s worth of Netflix this past week. OY VEY!

And if you feel bad and wanna cheer me up, you can follow me on Instagram. That would totally make my head feel better.

So, with that said… I’m super glad that I was able to pick myself up and get you these super-cute Vintage Hot Air Baloon Thank You printables for April!

Vintage Hot Air Balloon Thank You Printables in 3 Fun Patterns!

They are all two sided, so be sure to check with your printer about how to print two sided documents!

Click here to go to the download page for the Thank You in Polka Dots.

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Click here to go to the download page for the Thank You in Yellow.

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Click here to go to the download page for the Thank You in Diamonds.

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And before you go, be sure to check out all the ridunculous April Printables from my seriously awesome bloggy bffs!

printables group post graphic

And I pinky-swear-promise there will be no gymnastics on the stairs henceforth!

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  1. Love the vintage touch on your printables. Wow I had read on FB that you had had a fall, I had no idea how bad it was. Sure hope you are back to normal soon, and I am also grateful you are not pushing up daisies.

  2. OMG, Gwen! I saw that you had a fall, but I didn’t know it was down your stairs! You are one, lucky lady. Hope you find out what’s making you woozy and that it all ends soon! Love your balloon printables!

  3. Hi Gwen,
    Love the thank you balloons. Great idea.

  4. That’s scary! Glad you’re okay and getting better! We should all install slides instead of stairs in our homes – those big bouncy slides – like when they evac off of an airplane!!! Julia

  5. So sorry to hear you fell,Gwen!!!!

    So glad you are ok!!

    I must bring you more fresh eggs to help heal you!! 🙂


  6. Ouch! Get well soon. You are obviously not affected in some ways, those printables are fab.

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