Abiding in Boldness

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Well, it’s been six months slogging blogging through sewing projects and reclaimed projects and random spouts of nonsense wisdom…

It’s time to reflect.  And re-evaluate. And decide what The Bold Abode means.

And why that particular name choice anyway?  It has come to mean so much more than just a house with bright colors and crazy home decor.

It’s a choice.  It’s a lifestyle.  It’s a step-out-there-and-let-them-see-you-sweat way of living.  It’s a no-holds-barred, rip the cellophane from the package on Christmas morning kind of life.

But what about all that…FEAR.


Fear can totally paralyze you.   It’s an all-encompassing black shadow that looms too far over and around and in your heart that it makes your dream or desire seem too daunting and dangerous.

Do you know that feeling?

But if you take those fear-goggles off and step back to look at that mountain that seems unmoving-ly planted in front of your path, you can see it for what it is.  You can see that it’s no mountain…It’s but a staircase waiting to be climbed, step by step by giant step.

Or maybe, sometimes, small teensy-tinsy ones.

But each riser you mount takes you closer to that grassy, heather covered plain.  The plain that spreads it’s expanse so wide open that you can run around in your prettiest summer dress and spin and do cartwheels like you did when you were too young to know what expectations and disappointments and failure were.

And even though that staircase may move and sway and spiral into directions you never imagined, your climb will strengthen you.  Not to mention how good stair-climbing is for your bee-hind.

It’s got all around bring-you-to-a-better-place benefits.

And that’s what The Bold Abode is.  It’s taking fear and sizing it up and stickin’ it in yur pocket only to keep as a reminder of why you are not going to listen to it anymore.  It’s in its place and that’s where it’s staying.

And should it ever peep it’s head out and try to sneak up behind your earlobe and whisper it’s ugly, nasty lies into your sub-consciousness, well then, take a little bell and tie it to its neck so you can hear it a’comin’.
Because living…nay…ABIDING in BOLDNESS is going to take you places rainbow kites do not dare their colorful ribbons to soar.

Are you ready to learn how to be bold?  Oh, please tell me that you are…

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  1. while fear itself and being paralyzed by it are horrible…. overcoming fear is empowering! 🙂 without fear we would not have the victory that follows overcoming!

  2. Gwen, sounds like you got it under control – good for you! I gotta work on me ;?

  3. Are you Thelma and I'm Louise? Or are you Louise? I can never remember. Either way, I'm glad in II we get to let the audience in on our little joke about how we didn't really go off that cliff and are now really running the show…

  4. Great post. I can totally relate, sometimes the staircase does seem huge and sometimes I feel like I rollerblading down…smooth sailing. I love the message, whatever the feeling of the day be bold, take it bay storm and make it the best. Happy 6 Month Blogaversary!!

  5. well, happy blogaversary to both of us, i guess! cheers!

    as for that fear stuff… i need a bigger bell!

  6. Love your post! Love your blog. I'm always talking about fear like this….it's really most of the time, false evidence appearing real, right? Your banner and blog name got me hooked right away. I'm a person who lives in color too. I've got to get to bed so I can get up for work in the morning but I'll be sure to be back. You're very creative and colorful and I LIKE that!


  7. I really enjoyed reading this post. I'm always doing my best to wiggle free from the confines of a small life. The wonder of all the possibilities out there astound me. Well written post! =)
    Kristina J.

  8. Great words of wisdom-I love the way you word things too. Funny, I've been thinking about writing a post about overcoming fear and being bold and confident and then I saw this link. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hey Its Cheri from Its So Very Cheri and I came over from the LINKY FOLLOWER PARTY HOP and I hope you will come over to follow me as well.


  10. Gwen, this is so timely and well written. It's so easy to be overwhelmed by fear, stress, obstacles, whatever. You are inspiring me to throw all of that to the side and face whatever comes with boldness! I have a BIG and scary week at work next week, we'll see if I can remember these words then!

  11. Lovely! I'm going to share this with my student's writing group next week :0)

    Thanks so much for taking part in our Pin'Inspiration Party. Hope that you are having as much fun exploring as I am and that you'll take part in helping the "Beat the Winter Blues" on Saturday.

  12. I am now following you on Linky.I would love it if you followed me back. I really enjoy meeting new Bloggers.

  13. Following you via LF blog hop. Hope to see you at Take Six. 🙂

  14. Found you via the Linky hop and have become your newest follower. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Hope you have a chance to visit and perhpas follow me back.

  15. Great inspiration, Gwen! Thanks for sharing it at the Kiss & Tell linky party over at I Gotta Create!

  16. Such truth and such a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday! 🙂

  17. Great post…. your pic on a blog hop got me here….
    Fear has paralyzed me lately & I know it… I am 55, a strong woman, mother to 3 great grown boys…. have accomplished a bunch & yet Fear of one thing has had a grip on me… I can not move….
    Today I will take some steps…. Thanks for the encouragement…
    (stopping by from Coastal Charm )

  18. Beautiful post!!! Love your word!!! Thanks for sharing at my party!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! XO, Aimee

  19. ohgoodgolly…well said! Thank you for sharing your insight and inspiration and encouragement. You're a gifted writer!
    Arrived via Today's Creative Blog…Cheers!

  20. Pingback: Are you chicken? - The Bold Abode

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