A Bold Desk: Brainwashing My Children is Fun

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A Bold Desk to brainwash your children into living into the BOLD!As a mom of two boys, I am on a mission to make sure these guys are not afraid to take some risks and just go for what they want.

So, I’ve taken to subliminal messaging.

Not only does it seem to be working, it’s a heck of a lot of fun.

I found this Cargo desk at the Restore for a few bucks and, well.. it was ugly.

But sometimes, it just takes a little ingenuity for the ugly to become something very special, right?

bold desk


So it became a gateway to the washing of the brains…

I can’t find the other pictures, {boo} but all I did was print out the text on two pieces of paper and trace over the letters.  The wood was soft enough that is marked with just the pressure of the pencil through the paper.

If that doesn’t work for you, you could grab some tracing paper and use it.

Then I used a Sharpee.  That’s all.  Just a Sharpee.  {Wait… I did paint the big Be Bold with the same black paint from the stripes}

Sharpee’s are awesome. If I were a felt-tipped pen, I’d totally marry a hunky Sharpee…

These pictures are a couple of years old now, so the bears are gone… and a lot of teenage boy trash has taken their place.

bold desk1

Perhaps I should go upstairs once in a while to make sure we don’t have any hangers on burrowing in the corners…

bold desk-2

But, my message is always the same.

Be Bold.

Because someday… something great will come of it!

A Bold Desk to brainwash your children into living into the BOLD!

Pin me for later, says the Bold Desk…

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  1. Aw shucks, ma, yer boys is gonna be great cuz their ma is!!! (regardless of humor, I mean that sincerely). The desk is fabulous! So! What’s the story behind PePsI?

    1. You are so sweet, Dona! Thank you!

      The “pepsi” was there when I bought the desk. There’s lots of graffiti on it and I chose to keep it for it’s character! Funny, huh?

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