How to Make Ironing Clothes Less Horrible!

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If you like to iron, or find any amount to pleasure in ironing, this post is def not for you!

However, if you’re like me and try to avoid ironing at ALL costs, read on along, my fellow ironing hater.  We are kindred spirits.

I’ve tried very hard to live a life free of ironing, but alas, I find, from time to time, ironing is necessary.

Do I like wearing wrinkled clothes? No way.

Does wearing wrinkly close help me feel my best? No How.

Ergo, finding a way to hate ironing less is helpful, if not life-altering.

5 Tips for Ironing Clothes

  1. Iron straight out of the dryer.
    • If your clothes are warm already, ironing them is going to be so much easier and go way faster.  Faster ironing means less pain. LOL
  2. Have a decent iron
    • I used a very old iron for years and years.  It was cheap and since I didn’t iron very much, I figured it was fine…. until it died and I bought a Rowenta Iron.  Yes, they’re more expensive, but geez it works so much better that ironing isn’t as miserable!  Invest in a good iron and you’ll be surprised what a difference it makes.
  3. Iron in small batches
    • Anything I can do in smaller increments makes those tasks easier.  I really only have a few pieces that need ironing on a regular basis, so I break it up into one or two pieces at a time. The fewer items I have to iron in one setting, the faster I’m done and can get on with the more fun things in life. Like anything else.
  4. Listen to a podcast while ironing
    • Put in some earbuds and listen to an entertaining podcast or set up your tablet and watch a show on Nextfix.  Or just set up your ironing board right slap in front of the TV.  Anything to take your mind off of the tediousness.
  5. Focus your thoughts on why you are ironing instead of what or how much you have to do.
    • Looking at that pile of wrinkly clothes can really make you want to cry, but shifting your focus to having wrinkle free clothes can lighten the mental load!

If you hate ironing, I get it.  I try to buy clothes that don’t require ironing… that can be refreshed in the dryer with just a bit of heat.  But sometimes, you find something nice that’s going to require a bit of effort in keeping it wrinkle free.

Follow these tips and lighten your proverbial load!



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