Krazy Green Piano

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“You have lost your mind!” Morgan said when he walked in on me painting the piano.

Thanks alot, oh, love of my life…

I knew it was crazy, but I couldn’t help myself.

I HATED this piano. Wouldn’t you? But, it was FREE, and I really, really, wanted a piano, yo.

pear green piano

The picture just doesn’t show it’s hideousness…   It was this seriously horrendous 1970’s wood finish and it went with Zero.  Nothing. Nada. Nichts.
It sat and sat.  I really couldn’t figure out where to put it in our new house.  I desperately wanted it to be in the foyer.  I just KNEW it would fit!  And we tried it there, but it stuck out like a sore thumb that’s been hit with an ugly stick.  So, if you’re like me and move around furniture every few months, it travelled to the dining room and sat for a while.  Funny, that’s where our piano was growing up.
Still didn’t feel right.  So after I painted the foyer blinding Pear Green, it made its way back to the foyer, cuz I knew it fit.  And it did.  But it was U-G-L-Y…

I still had a boat load of paint left.  I just couldn’t help myself.

I stirred in some white and lightened it a bit so as not to completely burn out my retinas.

I was halfway through the second coat and my hubby walked in behind me and declared that I was crazy.  Certifiably so.

Well, if I am, then I like livin in Krazy-town, because this green piano makes me happy.

pear green piano

Need to work on the frame.  Someone slammed the front door and the picture slid off the shelf (cuz I hadn’t attached it to the wall, duh) and down it came, smashing glass everywhere.
 I couldn’t stand the big empty hole up there, and when I found that green fabric at Joann’s, I wrapped it around the cardboard.
 I’d like to find a really cool Beatles print, but obviously that’s not the priority because I keep spending money on other stuff.   Anybody else have that problem? Pu-leez tell me it’s not just me…
Update: Post-Earthquake- trying to fix the shelf, cuz it shifted in the quake, and the frame fell off and klonked me on the head.  Still haven’t nailed it to the wall, double duh..)
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  1. Pingback: Flower Power Art Display - The Bold Abode
  2. Well colour me Krazy cos I love your piano – I would have done the same thing! We live in rented, government subsidised housing and painting the walls is not really an option (if I really pushed I MIGHT just get permission but not in a frame of mind to try at present), so to compromise I am thrifting and painting furniture. My husband is of the “don’t paint wood” school and is horrified that I want to paint a marble topped washstand. However, after I painted a small half round hall table found at a thrift shop in a safe green, covered with a safe white then distressed slightly, he had a weak moment and said “well the washstand might look nice painted”. This was all I needed to release my inner tiger….so I pounced and next week I hope to decide on a colour and buy the paint. Am thinking a lavender (somewhere between a blue and purple) as the back of the wash stand has dusty pink tiles. And it is in my laundry room which has mid blue tiles on the floor. I recently acquired a good sized wooden shoe box with a lift up lid where we can sit to put on our shoes. This was a roadside find and is in the same laundry room. I am thinking a bright yellow with a little peacock blue/green peeking through. It is not on the same wall as the washstand so I feel this would look nice. But what the heck, if it doesn’t it’s only paint after all – nothing that can’t be changed.

    Am loving reading your blog and I love your boldness. I am the same as this inside, I just have to accept that I am not the only one living here. But I am working on him!

  3. I actually love the green wall and piano color! I love it when people take charge and don’t play it safe! Keep on staying creative and color your world! I do… I love color in my house also! Who cares what people think… It’s your space! More power to you??

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