Project Surface Area Day 6: The home stretch

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Missed any of the series?  You can find it here..

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 
Day 4

Finally, here’s day 6…on day 12. Thanks so much, Strep Throat…you’re the bomity-bomb…

But on to the funny fun stuff…

Painting the cubbies Moody Blue by Sherwin Williams…


along with the truss…bear with me now~~I’ve got my reasons…and they’re some mighty solid ones…at least that’s what my over-talkative brain was tellin’ me.

Blue Truss3

And, yes, after some discussion with yall on Facebook, I broke down and filled the screw holes… 

Fill Screw holes2

See…here’s the proof.

Filling Screw holes

But what’s a professional paint job without a piece of hair stuck in it?

cubby hair

Grody, huh?

Anyhooooo…I alluded to the possibility of some Orange goin’ on…

Namely, the same orange the bedecks the Dining Room walls…in an effort to form a “cohesive” sense of design…hardy-har-har…

Dining Room

But I decided I wanted to ‘speriment…

Layer of Blue

With a layer of Moody Blue first…

And then a bright layer of Pumpkin…which I forgot to photograph. But it looked hideous, so I probably just saved your retinas from being burned.

So, yeah…dry brush some blue on there, Gwen…great idea.

Blue and Orange dry brush
Orange layer

Need a closer look to confirm…

Orange layer3

That it looks like the dog lost his dinner…

But it’s not done…and you just can’t stop until it’s fabulous acceptable, right?

But we’re almost there, my bleeps…almost.

Today just might be the day. 
But, you’ll never know if you don’t get out there and
Thank you for reading my blog.
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  1. It does not look like dog vomit! I actually like it so far. Keep on keepin' on.

  2. Scallops? You are a brave girl! And you filled them…like real, professionally, filled them! You are my role model.

  3. i am loving it so far and i am wishing my dogs vomit looked pretty and smooth like yours…. ours is brown and chunky here. 😉
    seriously looking good!

  4. It's looking FUNKY and FUN! My retinas are fine… the blue helps. =) The scallops are so cool with the straight style of the end shelves.

  5. I am laughing out loud! This post cracks me up. How's the 'sperimenting going?!? 😉 Everything is worth a try. Can't wait to see what she becomes.

  6. I hope you've knocked the crud out of that strep throat already! That sucks…so sorry. Can't wait to see what this looks like all done. Lol. Isn't it funny how many steps we can take before getting to where we really want to be with some of these projects??? Seriously, we've been known (around here) to take the long-way-around a time or two…just sayin'. I couldn't even picture the orange, so I'll take your word for it. I'm sure it's going to be fabulous when you're done! 😉

  7. Ooohhh, I just made that same mistake this week. Waxed it all and then stood back and hated it. Oy.
    I think you have to dive in to that bold orange instead of the sherbet-y orange. Adding blue gets you "the poo".
    Baby poo, dog vomit…gag!
    We all know that color! LOL
    Keep trying until it lights your fire- it's only paint! I still can't believe you made scallops.

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